Integrating Lighting and HVAC Controls: Solutions for High Performance Buildings
Explore the potential benefits of integrating networked lighting controls (NLC) with HVAC controls to improve building energy performance. Slipstream’s field research in Minnesota showed a 67% reduction in lighting energy use and a 47% reduction in HVAC energy use. This strategy can significantly reduce the payback on NLC investments. By leveraging occupancy signals from the lighting system to optimize HVAC controls, the project payback period dropped from 30 years to around 5 years, including available incentives.
Webinar: Integrating Lighting and HVAC Controls for Deeper Energy Savings
We cover the insights gained from supply chain market research conducted with NLC manufacturers, HVAC control technicians, lighting installers, and end users. Discover the major barriers and lessons learned, the energy and economic impacts, how interoperability issues and other technical challenges were addressed, and what the future of systems integration may hold for efficiency programs focused on energy savings and grid flexibility. We also share insights on potential energy efficiency program strategies to advance integration of NLC and other building systems, including our savings estimator tool, project implementation guide, and several case studies.
Lighting and HVAC Integrated Controls Savings Estimator
Describe the characteristics of your commercial building to estimate the potential savings you can achieve with integrated controls.
Watch our tutorial: