Commercial + Industrial

April 29, 2024
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Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) is an efficient commercial HVAC solution in cold climates
VRF can reduce energy use and carbon emissions in cold climates for commercial and multifamily HVAC when installed correctly.Continue Reading

April 11, 2024
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Strategic decarbonization for large commercial buildings
Slipstream will study an approach for strategic decarbonization of large, complex commercial buildings, including pathways to electrification.Continue Reading

November 15, 2023
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MassCEC launches BETA: Commercial Buildings Pilot to streamline decarbonization
The new initiative aims to develop a replicable set of models that commercial buildings can follow to prepare for the state’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050.Continue Reading

September 13, 2023
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Very High Efficiency (VHE) HVAC retrofits for commercial buildings
We're testing a new whole-system approach to HVAC that could go a long way toward making commercial buildings more efficient.Continue Reading

June 27, 2023
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Advancing the electrification of RTUs in the Commercial and Industrial market
Packaged rooftop units, or RTUs, make up around 40% of the commercial and industrial market. What are the barriers keeping energy efficiency programs from tapping into this market?Continue Reading

August 15, 2022
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Energy efficiency programs continue despite Michigan's legislative sunset: Slipstream delivers programs for five municipalities and cooperatives
Slipstream's ten-year partnership with Michigan Electric Cooperative Association (MECA) concluded in December 2021 due to a legislative sunset for cooperatives and municipalities. We influenced our partners to continue energy efficiency programs beyond the legislation's sunset and advance their programs to help improve climate resilience. Slipstream will proudly administer programs five Michigan providers.Continue Reading

June 24, 2022
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Effective strategies for using thermal energy storage in refrigerated facilities
Refrigeration thermal energy storage (RTES) is an emerging technology which presents an opportunity to save energy and reduce or shift peak demand in refrigerated facilities.Continue Reading

February 25, 2022
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The State of Commercial Electrification: HVAC
A decade ago, there wasn't a clear mainstream path to electrify commercial HVAC systems in cold climates. As the market demanded solutions, manufacturers hit the lab to advance heat pump technologies.Continue Reading

January 26, 2022
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Savings hidden in the code: The limits of energy code as a baseline
What's a simple climate measure that could save 80 million kWh and over 3 million therms without any new regulations? If you could find one, you'd feel like you’d cracked some sort of code.Continue Reading

November 17, 2021
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Integrating Lighting and HVAC Controls: Solutions for High Performance Buildings
Explore the potential benefits of integrating networked lighting controls (NLC) with HVAC controls to improve building energy performance.Continue Reading